There are various approaches to healthcare that could be of interest to you. To help take care of your own health or that of others.
I do not imagine that everyone is interested in the same. Most of the time a different, less conventional kind of interest in health and caring for it, only develops after some impact that makes or made a sufficiently big impression and leaves one with more questions than answers. Until that time, when questioning starts or a rare kind of scepticism that actually dares to investigate. There has to be the freedom to attend 'ignorance-school' and hopefully gain no painful experiences. Difficult as it may be for those who look on and care deeply for the individual.
As a parent, or care-taker, I think it is ones role to offer, to supply, to encourage, to support and help prevent in ways that are based on what one considers to be ‘light.’ By this I mean enlightened. Not flimsy or floaty as in weightless, insignificant and insubstantial.
Of course what is called light by people varies broadly. Let’s just cut to the chase. It is all about wisdom. A step beyond mere knowledge, but based on knowledge.
Wisdom sounds boring or impractical, I am sure, to some people. Or perhaps to many people. And what wisdom is, is probably even less appealing in name. That what philosophy seeks or concerns itself with? So let's keep it simple. Another name for wisdom is peace. Now what peace is, might well be of interest. Especially if you suffer or feel a level of anxiety and lack in ability to properly function due to it.
Still it cannot be denied as fact that anxiety is often secretly nurtured, in which case it will naturally not disappear. But if that is not the case, it can be a temporary experience. Peace can be sought, beyond a mere absence of war or its political definitions of it.
Another name for peace is satisfaction. And of course there is another name for satisfaction: perfection. Who cares for perfection. Good question, right? Well, some do. And perfection is simply another name for more light.
Light is something that is not given much appreciation. It is like clean water and fresh oxygen, health, Mother nature and natural approaches to caring for them. They are daily taken for granted. Abused, ignored and rejected, stamped as dumb, not needed, unimportant or inessential to life.
Well, what do you think, are they?
Light is something that we as human beings are meant to manifest. It is hard to have enough light or too much of it. We have a sun in the sky, we all can see some of the time and it should give us an idea, what light manifestation means.
There is always a need for more of it; for more light. That is the reason we went or go to school. But even the highest most universal school, does not have a monopoly on light or is able to exhaust it.
Light has another name too. It is the sovereign conquerer of night and the nourishment giving mother of delight. Light and delight are two sides of one coin.
Of course the delight side is more popular. Especially with the young, the youthful, and those not sufficiently steeped in the darker sides of existence, that by experience have brought or brings suffering, pain and destruction.
Light is what offers protection against these uninspiring experiences. Against all what bring us, our dear ones, the world, in so much trouble, pain and dire spirals of more and more suffering.
A moment without selfishness makes it easy to spot; it is everywhere.
Light is nothing abnormal or miraculous, just something we need.
I do not profess to appeal to everyone’s interest. But offer you what I see as helpful and I think could be useful to you, at least at some point in time.
In 'ignorance-school' we all learn that darkness is light. That parroting is king, that numbers only tell truth, and that unexamined life is worth living. We are all perfectly at liberty to state it all as fact and to continue believing it for as long as we want and it seems right to us. But at some point, we can also change our minds and follow our hearts, that tell us we were wrong in our prior assertions. And we can take steps based on a new model.
So, for those who see light in, and assert wholeheartedly that light is delight.